1. OPTION: Crowdfund the Company & BUY Chroska: To completely Crowdfund the Company first with both donations and purchases, and then build the copies, start and complete the sales, & possibly fund a Crafter’s Competition. Having the money to start mass production of a formal design will make the games cheaper to buy, but as of right now, calculations put the sales price of the game at $120 with magnets. The price is actually incredible for this Design, because the price would otherwise be astronomical. Custom Crafted Chroska boards already cannot breach below $1000.00 due to the specifications of the design, but keep in mind that the game appreciates in value after being sold, and will double or triple in value after 2034.
  2. OPTION: Raise $20,000.00 FOR A CHROSKA ‘FLAGSHIP’: 14 Custom Crafted Chroska Gameboard Sales at $1,500.00 each not only get you a smooth-top set of magnetic triangle plates and game pieces, but they’ll be considered the 1st ever official sets, and the money itself pays for the CNC equipment, 3D Printers, and Computers that will be purchased to make the nicer builds possible. Essentially, in my opinion, this is kind of a rip-off, but it’s going to jump-start the company. SO, ANYONE who goes this route gets LIFE-TIME V.I.P. Access to all CHROSKA Events produced by the Chroska Company, Beyond 10 Years. PLUS, their Chroska set will appreciate the most in value after 10 years as well due to a special serial number. ANYONE who goes this route obviously believes in more than just purchasing the game, and therefore I will make a point to meet these buyers and plan an entire future for the game, with them in mind; You basically ‘invest’ your way into the company’s legacy.
  3. OPTION: Fund a Crafter’s Competition: This is technically a part of the 1st and 2nd option, and there will be a competition for how well the board game can be Custom-Made by Crafters. I want this game built and sold by other people. Where the contest happens and how big it is will depend on the Crowdfund. The purpose of this game for me is not only to make my money back on my time and effort through the 30%, but also to see what other people craft the same Chroska game into- all the beautiful styles I could never imagine. I would absolutely LOVE to play the game on someone else’s Crafted set. It’s magic to me. The first option crowdfund will pay for venue and also equipment that will be used to make boards within the intended company.
  4. OPTION (EITHER A): SHARK TANK: The 4th and most dramatic option is to push for 1,000 Presales at $1,000 each, to convince Shark Tank to help market the 10-year Trademark for ‘Chroska’. The reason the price is so high is that we want to go to these Sharks with the money already. The calculation amounts to 1 Million dollars, so it will be hard for them to say NO because the money is a part of the incentive. We’re not there to ask for money, we’re there to get them on board to help manage and market the company for the remaining years of the Trademark so that the Chroska company is in the HIGHEST CAPABILITY as a provider. The Option to buy for $1,000 is on the crowdfund, however, if the Shark Tank Idea is ‘tanked’, it is of no EFFECT to the buyers. Regardless of the outcome, the Chroska games will still be provided to the buyers within the amount of time it will practically take to achieve, at the same quality Set as OPTION 2. These buyers will also be a part of an exclusive Chroska Community because I’m honored by your belief in the game, which includes a Chroska Party with a Drinking Chroska Competition. A price like that should get you more than just a board game. 1,000x$1,000.00=$1,000,000.00 Chroska Fund at a Shark’s disposal to deliver the goods.
  5. OPTION (OR B): The Crowd that Funds it, Will RUN iT!: Of course, this will come down to qualifications but I would rather go this direction personally, ‘growing naturally’. So, let’s talk about what the Chroska Company intends to do;
    (1) We want to make the proper connections for mass-producing the game with other boardgame companies that already produce Chess boards, to see their own style ‘Chroska’, in exchange for the 30%. This could literally become thousands of companies across the planet, and we’ll get to see different versions of the same Chroska game existing for everyone to play absolutely anywhere from any game maker.
    (2) When the Trademark ends in 10 years and a ribbon is cut for the Chroska company’s closing, it will mark the beginning of Chroska being available to any game production company without paying 30%, because, during the company’s half-life, I will be pushing to get Chroska into the Public Domain, and therefore, just like Chess, it will be owned by the world. I’ll still produce Chroska boards from a new company name by then, but this is a MOVEMENT for 10 YEARS!
    (3) The responsibilities that will befall this, come down to:
    [a] “Networking Agents” – communicating with game production companies of any kind (digital or physical).
    [b] “Physical Filers” – similar to Data Entry, only we Xerox and File Paper Data of Serial Numbers to validate Chroska copies for their future appreciation in value and Historic Records (rather than put it in computers so that the records are triplicated and stored Physically for historic record & appraisal pricing). Digital cannot be completely trusted, and there will be several paper copies in several different filing cabinets for physical verification and “proof of”.
    [c] “Marketing Expert” to present the game to the world in its most fantastic way. Any Crafters that wish to conform to a Chroska Company Standard are welcome to accomplish the goals of the company! If you just wanna make your own and sell it, register it and sell it with your own commercial! Market it your way! Either way, however, you still have to pay 30% for the TM and Copyrighted Rules.
    [d] “CNC Expert” to factory line Chroska boards until we can streamline the process to produce them every day like “it’s a flip of the switch and then ship them out” so-to-speak. It will take several CNCs to do specific wood-cutting jobs. Once they’re had, they can produce for years. We’ll be able to experiment, to produce better sets over time.

    Any Chroska game built in 2024 registered to the 30% deal and listed as a “Chroska Crafter” on record, is projected to appreciate in value, in exactly 1 decade, after the end of the Trademark, because the company was “half-lived at 10 years”, making the games of those years (2024-2034), “Historical Artifacts”. Any Chroska game made in 2024 will be of the highest value by 2034.

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